Using SystemImager with xCAT

This procedure was tested with xCAT 1.2.0-pre5 with a patched nodeset.pxe and SystemImager
  1. Install/Configure xCAT (see xCAT Mini HowTo)

  2. Install/Configure SystemImager

  3. Create build image from golden client:
       # getimage --golden-client myprecious --image myimage ...

  4. Create a blank template file for the image name
       # touch /opt/xcat/install/systemimager/x86/base/myimage.tmpl
    Note: this file is only used to prevent nodeset from complaining.

  5. Update
          node001 systemimager,x86,myimage
          node002 systemimager,x86,myimage

  6. Set up post-imaging node boot: There are 2 options here: The 1st route is easier, the 2nd route is cleaner.

  7. To image some nodes, just use your normal xCAT commands
       # rinstall node001-node002