Fun Stuff!
Great Moments in Sports Painful, embarrassing and, most importantly,
trashy pictures from the world of sports
Buyer Beware a picture is worth ...
Road Kill another picture from this amazing world we live
Exam week yet another
Practice your
verbal skills Vocal exercise
that is much better than "the rain in spain .."
Virtual Digital Camera Amazing new technology, I can't believe it
actually works.
write-ups Real (?) maintenance
write-ups from US Navy flight crews
Don't put your cart
before the horse ... er, mule ... or whatever
Confusius say ... Ancient Chinese wisdom
How to read Japanese
How to determine the
sex of your unborn child
GM's latest sales
gimmick it's just a joke -
please don't try this at home.
Cuckoo Story True? Probably not but it should be.
George Carlin a small sample from his book, Brain Droppings
(run right out and buy it!)
London Motorcycle
Cop in an embarrassing
Computer Industry
compared to Auto Industry Reads
like an Urban Legend but I suppose it could be true.
Ever wonder how to use
all those tools in your garage?
Rogers talks to "a guy who plays the bass" *** LARGE FILE *** 824kb - requires an mp3
player such as WinAmp
Silly advertisement for
a Stereo shop ***LARGE
FILE***170kb - requires an mp3 player such as WinAmp
Amazing Card Trick Try it, you'll be amazed!
Flat tire True story as told by Bob Ellis
Christmas story - the
tradition of a little angle on top of the tree
My son, Shawn, being a
typical teenage boy